Flex report

Flex Report: Tech Deep Dive (2024)

Explore evolving work flexibility trends in tech since June 2023. This report analyzes office requirements and remote work adoption across different company sizes, revealing how the industry balances innovation with traditional office culture in a post-pandemic world.

About the Tech Deep Dive Report

We wrote our first Tech Industry Deep Dive in June 2023. At the time, Techwas by far the most flexible industry we tracked on Flex Index; 75% of Techfirms had Fully Flexible models, meaning employees were not required tospend any time in the office. Only 8% of Tech companies required Full Time InOffice for corporate employees.

But over the last year, Tech companies have made plenty of headlines on theirreturn to office policies. Major firms like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, andSalesforce have all embraced Structured Hybrid policies with employeesexpected in the office roughly three days per week. On the other hand, thereare some large company holdouts; NVIDIA is perhaps the most visible exampleas a company growing incredibly fast with no required office time.

Just over a year later, we’re revisiting the Tech industry to see what’s changed.Are we seeing a continued movement toward more Structured Hybrid models,or is Fully Flexible work gaining steam? Has there been any shift back towardFull Time In Office within these organizations?

In this report, we dive into the state of work location flexibility in the Techindustry, with a focus on specific office requirement models and how they varyby size of company. There are some findings that might surprise you, particularly when it comes to the state of Fully Remote work in Tech.

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