Flex report

Flex Report: Flex Index Methodology

Learn more about the methodology behind Flex Index, including the background, terminology, data collection, and analysis methods we employ.

About the Flex Index Methodology Report

We launched Flex Index in February 2023 to close an important gap in information on how companies were approaching flexible work. Since its launch, Flex Index has grown to become one of the most important and reputable data sets on company remote work policies and trends.

Our research has been featured in hundreds of articles from major publications such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg, TIME, and many others. We’re proud of the contributions we’ve made to the public understanding and discourse around the adoption of flexible work.

As Flex Index grows in stature and our reports gain increasing attention, we felt it was important to have a publicly available document detailing our methodology. In this report we’ll cover:

  • Background on the Flex Index and its purpose
  • Terminology we use
  • How we collect company office requirements data
  • How we approach analysis for Flex Reports
  • How you can get in touch or contribute

We hope this report will be helpful to a number of stakeholders:

  • Researchers and academics who are interested in how we capture and analyze data
  • Consultants and flexible work experts who want to leverage our data to support decision-making at clients
  • Media that is curious for background on Flex Index and our process

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