Future of Work
June 24, 2024

Introducing FlexGPT: Your AI Co-Pilot for Flexible Work Policy Data

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Flex Index
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Navigating flexible work’s evolving terrain can feel pretty daunting. We’re barraged by a constant stream of headlines, company announcements, and new research reports that make it difficult to understand what’s really happening and the latest trends.

Now, imagine you could sort through all the noise. Picture having access to a global database of flexible work policy information that you could query anytime and get your questions answered.

Introducing FlexGPT. No waiting. No narratives. Just the answers you need, exactly when you need them. With FlexGPT, you can now easily convert your policy questions into comprehensive, visually compelling insights.

FlexGPT: How It Works

Powered by Flex Index’s global database of 10,000+ companies across 75,000+ offices, FlexGPT offers direct access to the latest flexible work policy data tailored to your specific needs.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Ask any question: Pose your flexible work policy question by industry, region, company size, or any combination of parameters.

  2. Receive tailored insights: FlexGPT instantly processes your request and generates custom data visualizations.

  3. Share the data: Easily download charts via PNG, JPEG, PDF, or SVG to incorporate in presentations, reports, articles, or social posts.

FlexGPT: Sample Queries

Get the most out of your FlexGPT experience with these sample queries, designed to help you understand the types of data and insights you can pull from FlexGPT. You can add specific parameters like industry or company size to tailor your prompt more effectively.

Sample Industry Queries

  • Create a pie chart of Financial Services companies by flexible work policy.
  • What are the top 10 industries for fully remote work by percentage of firms?
  • Create a 100% bar chart breaking out tech firms by policy type. Sort the bar so the largest segment is on the bottom.

Sample Geography Queries

  • Create a pie chart of US companies by flexible work policy.
  • What's the breakdown of minimum required days in office for companies in New York?
  • Create a bar chart of tech companies in San Francisco by policy type.

Sample Company Size Queries

  • Show me the percentage of firms that have a minimum days per week policy by company size in the US.
  • Show me a pie chart of policies for companies with 250-1,000 employees.

You can also ask FlexGPT to change the results that you see! Try asking for a different chart type, different colors, or any other adjustment to the way the chart is shown.

Your Flexible Work Questions, Answered

The flexible work landscape is rapidly evolving, and having access to real-time, comprehensive data insights is crucial for staying ahead of the curve. With FlexGPT, tailored flexible work insights are just an ask away.

Whether you're an HR leader crafting policies, a consultant guiding clients, a researcher exploring emerging trends, or a journalist reporting on the latest developments, FlexGPT empowers you to elevate your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader in the future of work.

Get started today and unlock on-demand access to the insights you need to drive success.

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