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May 24, 2024

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: The Key to Thriving Distributed Teams

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Roberta Sawatzky
SAM Consulting
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As organizations adapt to more flexible work arrangements, effective leadership hinges on a people-centric approach, a growth mindset, and a significant emphasis on emotional intelligence (EQ). In today’s dynamic business environment, successful leadership goes beyond technical know-how. Those with a high EQ excel in communication, relationship-building, conflict resolution, and team motivation.

EQ serves as the cornerstone of leadership. It underpins our ability to manage ourselves, navigate social intricacies, and make decisions that lead to success. In this article, I’ll explore the power of EQ for leaders of hybrid teams, share the four core elements of EQ within the context of leading flexible teams, and how to leverage it to foster a more connected, effective, and adaptable leadership style.

The Four Elements of Emotional Intelligence

As we explore the four elements of Emotional Intelligence, it's crucial to recognize that the first two — self-awareness and self-management — revolve around personal competencies, whereas the latter two —** social awareness** and relationship management — center on social competence.

  1. Self-Awareness: Having a deep understanding of your own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. When managing flexible teams, leaders need to be self-aware of how their feelings influence decisions and behaviors.

  2. Self-Management: Controlling your emotions, adapting to changes, and maintaining a positive outlook. Successful leaders in flexible environments can manage themselves without constant oversight, remain balanced during challenges, and adjust effectively to changes.

  3. Social Awareness: Showing empathy and understanding others' emotions and the broader organizational context. Leaders must connect with team members' feelings, understand group dynamics, and ensure connectivity in remote or distributed teams.

  4. Relationship Management: Effectively guiding your team through conflicts, influencing others, and building strong relationships. Hybrid team leaders need to be coaches and mentors, inspire during tough times, motivate, foster teamwork, and resolve conflicts by leveraging self-awareness and social understanding.

Leading with Heart: The Advantages of EQ for Leaders

As workplaces shift towards more flexible and hybrid models, EQ becomes an indispensable asset for leaders. Navigating the complexities of remote and on-site team dynamics requires a heightened awareness of emotions, both one's own and those of others. Emotionally intelligent leaders can leverage several key advantages:

Building Trust

Trust is the bedrock of effective collaboration, and EQ plays a crucial role in fostering it. Leaders strengthen trust across diverse work settings by demonstrating empathy, recognizing emotions, and valuing team members. Admitting limitations, setting realistic expectations, and consistently following through on commitments further reinforce credibility and trust in leadership.

In an era where virtual interactions often overshadow face-to-face encounters, trust can erode rapidly if not actively cultivated. Leaders must shift their paradigm, recognizing that productivity is not synonymous with physical presence. EQ enables leaders to build trust through social awareness and relationship-building, even when teams are dispersed.

Enhancing Communication

Clear and effective communication is essential for leading flexible teams. Emotionally intelligent leaders can tune into their team's needs, promoting open dialogue that underpins trust. They excel at selecting appropriate channels, tailoring messages, choosing the right timing, and ensuring clarity, accommodating diverse time zones and cultures.

By prioritizing open discussions about communication policies that honor a diverse workforce, leaders can leverage emotional intelligence to facilitate seamless collaboration across boundaries.

Resolving Conflicts

Physical distance can exacerbate conflicts in hybrid teams, as miscommunication can stem from the lack of non-verbal cues inherent in virtual interactions. Leaders with high EQ are adept at managing these challenges, employing strong relational skills to defuse tensions, facilitate constructive discussions, and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Drawing upon their social awareness and emotional management abilities, emotionally intelligent leaders can navigate conflicts effectively, making their EQ a key asset in conflict resolution.

Boosting Motivation

Recognizing and catering to the diverse motivations of a flexible team is vital for sustained engagement and productivity. High EQ allows leaders to identify and respond to each team member's unique drivers, employing a personalized approach to motivation that plays to individual strengths.

Celebrating achievements together, whether securing a contract, reaching a milestone, or acknowledging personal milestones, plays a vital role in boosting motivation. While incorporating celebration into a company's culture is straightforward in traditional settings, leaders must be deliberate about acknowledging these occasions in hybrid work setups, as focused attention can be equally impactful, if not more so.

By developing their emotional intelligence, leaders can more easily navigate the complexities of flexible work environments, fostering trust, communication, conflict resolution, and motivation within their teams.

Four Key Actions to Help Boost Emotional Intelligence

Growing your EQ can significantly impact your leadership, especially in hybrid teams. Here's how to enhance your emotional intelligence in a straightforward and impactful way:

  1. Self-reflect:: Take time to think about how you react emotionally, especially in challenging situations, like receiving critical emails or dealing with upset team members. Identifying your automatic reactions helps increase self-awareness and control over your emotions.

  2. Seek feedback:: Remember, your view of yourself might differ from how others perceive you. To bridge this gap, have open conversations with friends, partners, or colleagues about your interactions, especially during emotional moments. Ask how you handled those situations and how they felt about it. This process not only improves your self-awareness but also gives insight into others' experiences, helping you adjust your leadership style to be more inclusive and understanding of different emotional needs.

  3. Explore the ‘why’?: Understanding the 'why' behind team members’ emotions is key to empathy, yet it's often missed, particularly in remote or flexible settings. Adam Grant sheds light on this with "the perspective gap," where truly empathizing with others' experiences becomes challenging. This gap can widen with the physical distances in flexible work, making it crucial to actively seek out the reasons behind a team member's feelings and actions. Questions like "why are they upset?", "What unseen challenges are they facing?" and "Why do we see things differently?" can lead to real understanding and empathy.

  4. Be open-minded: Digital communication can twist the nuances of feedback, highlighting the importance of an open attitude. Rather than focusing on how feedback is delivered, consider what can be learned from it. View criticism as an opportunity for growth, thinking, "how can this feedback improve my leadership or help the team?" Criticism usually isn't personal but a resource for enhancing your approach. An open, growth-oriented mindset to feedback is essential for thriving in the ever-changing world of hybrid work.


Effective leadership hinges on a powerful blend of people-centric values, a growth mindset, and a deep understanding of emotional intelligence in today's dynamic and flexible work landscape. For leaders seeking to elevate their impact, three strategies emerge as catalysts for enhancing EQ:

  1. Embrace Self-Reflection: Regularly assessing one's emotional reactions is the cornerstone of self-awareness and emotional mastery. Leaders who cultivate this practice can navigate challenges with poise and authenticity.

  2. Actively Seek Feedback: By courageously inviting input from others, leaders gain invaluable insights into their leadership style and cultivate empathy— a cornerstone of emotional intelligence.

  3. Understand the Why: Delving into the underlying reasons behind team members' emotions fosters a deeper connection and empathy, strengthening interpersonal bonds and fostering an environment of psychological safety.

As Drew Bird eloquently captures in The Leader's Guide to Emotional Intelligence, an emotionally effective leader is one who possesses a high emotional intelligence quotient and understands themselves, their beliefs, and their leadership identity. Moreover, they can empathize, understand, and communicate with those around them, amplifying their effectiveness and inspiring those they lead.

The path to emotionally intelligent leadership is a transformative journey – one that demands self-awareness, vulnerability, and a commitment to personal growth.

Are you ready for the challenge?

About the Author

Roberta E. Sawatzky MA, CPHR, GPHR
SAM Consulting

Roberta Sawatzky is a seasoned business coach and professor specializing in remote work. With a Master's in Leadership and Management, she leverages her expertise to empower individuals and teams in virtual settings while teaching at Okanagan College School of Business.

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